Page name: Best Swearing Story [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-02-25 09:24:27
Last author: Cerulean Sins
Owner: Cerulean Sins
# of watchers: 4
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Moderated by [Cerulean Sins]

A 300 word story that can be about anything and everything you want -- but it must have swearing in it! Be as creative as possible and have fun! Once the time limit is finished for entries there will be a voting period.

Entry Period: 29 January 2012 - 11 February 2012

Voting Period: 11 February 2012 - 25 February



<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_green_blob.png> Don't just write 300 swear words and submit it. It has to be a proper short story with swear words in it.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_green_blob.png> No offensive stories - no racial discrimination, religious discrimination, folk with disabilities ( I know it's not the politically correct term) etc. Don't be fucking asses, okay.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_green_blob.png> Spelling and grammar must be correct.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_green_blob.png> Your story can be about anything at all! School, college, uni, work, home life, TV show, Books, Elfpack, love life etc!



1st place [Stephen]
Stephen's Entry 232 Words Total

2nd place[HeAVenShallBuRN]
My Fucking Story 245 count

3rd place [sammie h!]
Sammies fucking story 353 word count



<img:stuff/epcontest.gif> <img120*0:stuff/contest2nd.gif> <img90*0:stuff/contest3rd.gif>

First Place: 5 Togs and Competition Winner Badge.

Second Place: 4 Togs and Competition Second Place Badge.

Third Place: 3 Togs and Competition Third Place Badge.

Submitting: Even if you don't win, you get 1 Tog for entering!

See the Tog Shop for more information on Togs


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2012-01-29 [Stephen]: I fink "No offensive stories" should be expanded on, since it's hard to incorporate lots of swearing into a non-offensive story. :3 (As in, don't offend what group/people/person. I don't give a damn if someone insults non-Elfpack members, personally.)

2012-01-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Ah good point :)

2012-01-29 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: *Cough* um actually folk with disabilities is a proper term, it's more polite

2012-01-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Yeah but I can't remember the politically correct term. God I am just one big blonde moment today XD

2012-01-29 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: I won't disagree o:

2012-01-29 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: removed the only forum members can edit option because others whom aren't in the cult form...can't enter teh contest

2012-01-30 [Cerulean Sins]: Awwww thanks hun! *hugs for being helpful*

2012-02-06 [sammie h!]: I will be submitting either tonight or tomorrow xx

2012-02-08 [Stephen]: @Sammie: I think the story is supposed to be 300 words, though it's not outlined in the rules. The introduction says "A 300 word story", so I'm not too sure.

2012-02-08 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: And there's three fucks from what I've seen, but no other vulgarity... o.o's not really a very vulguar story or swear story

2012-02-08 [Stephen]: Well, it says it "must have swearing in it", but not how much. So technically that doesn't violate the rules.

However, pretty much everything I've said is based off technicalities so it's really Michelle's call on things, since she's the mod. :3

2012-02-08 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: WELL she has asked me to help with swearing...I think >>

2012-02-08 [Stephen]: You're not listed as a mod. ;)

2012-02-08 [Stephen]: For that matter, no one is. >_>'


2012-02-08 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: I'd have to siffer through about...200 message me and michelle have done since she suggusted it, it was either that or some other thing

2012-02-08 [Stephen]: Well, since you entered you really can't be a mod anyway. That'd be a conflict of interests. (Although there's really no way to cheat, since the winner is a public poll.) -shrug-

2012-02-08 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Exactly

2012-02-08 [sammie h!]: Michelle said it was fine

2012-02-08 [Stephen]: Then it is fine. ;)

2012-02-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: don't have much vulgarity in this contest, Sammie :/ and not much varity either, BUT as it is, we only have two peple entering, idgaf

2012-02-11 [Stephen]: Well, the call is completely up to Michelle either way. ;)

2012-02-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: kk >>

2012-02-11 [sammie h!]: you have done the poll incorrectly, do not put spaces between the submissions, just press enter, I will re-do it for you if you like. :)

2012-02-11 [sammie h!]: Oops, to late lol. xx

2012-02-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Lol yeah I noticed XD

I felt like such a blonde but och well it's the first time I've done one lol

2012-02-11 [sammie h!]: well if you need a hand next time with the polls, give me a shout, I would of put a better question mind, don't forget its a swearing contest. :)

2012-02-11 [Stephen]: It may be a swearing contest, but it's still good to maintain a semi-professional looking poll. ;)

2012-02-12 [sammie h!]: Yes, your so right. :)

2012-02-16 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: When's this ending, again?

2012-02-16 [Cerulean Sins]: 25 February

2012-02-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: :o someone switched their vote at the last minute!

2012-02-25 [Stephen]: I won.
Weird. >.>'

At least people can't keep saying I don't enter official contests now. So, instead everyone should bug [kittykittykitty] into entering official contests. x3

2012-02-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: *skitters off to do so*

2012-04-10 [sammie h!]: Hold on a min, how did they win, the rule states



word story that can be about anything and everything you want -- but it must have swearing in it! Be as creative as possible and have fun! Once the time limit is finished for entries there will be a voting period.

So by the rules thats not fair

2012-04-10 [Cerulean Sins]: @[sammie h!] 300 words story is just a rough guide of how many words your aloud. You can go under the limit and over the limit :)

Since this is not an Official Contest the rules are somewhat flexible. I'm not really bothered that people went under or over the word limit. If the second rule was broken I would have chewed out someones asses - Scottish style lol XD

2012-04-10 [sammie h!]: ha ha, I love the scottish sayings lol xD read your pm x

2012-04-16 [Stephen]: See, one of the more enjoyable things about Elfpack is we generally go pretty light on the rules. ;)

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